Friday, 12 June 2009

About the Project

In March 2008 Jodi Schuetz answered questions about America on the telephone to a class of English 10 and 11 year olds in Ken Marrable’s school, Morland Primary School (Ipswich, UK).
That 15 minutes was so stimulating and inspiring to the children that Schuetz and Marrable decided to explore avenues of cooperation that Morland and, the school that Jodi was associated with, Sugar Creek Elementary School (Verona, Wisconsin USA) could engage in.
From that the Sugar Creek/Morland Project was born. Within six months the first version of this website had opened, children had contacted each other, projects had been undertaken, American children had visited Ipswich and London and English teachers had visited and taught in America.

This website represents the functional hub of that project, a structured base for the exchange of education and ideas, yet organic enough to allow the project to grow in whatever ways the children's interactivity dictates.

Welcome to the Sugar Creek Morland Education Project.

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Sugar Creek

Sugar Creek is a great school! It is right in the middle of Veronal where it has been for over 100 years (a very long time in the United states!)

There are about 450 children at Sugar Creek Elementary.
The teachers and staff are so great. Some of them teach one grade and some join together to teach multiage classrooms. These classrooms can be grades 1,2 and 3, and some are grades 4 and 5. 65% of our teachers have a Master's degree!

We get up really early at Sugar Creek, our school day begins at 7:45 a.m. and ends at 2:35. But we're lucky because every Monday we start late so our teachers have some time to get things done, on those days we don't have to be to school until 9:25 a.m.

We have a computer lab that we get to use with 26 computers in it. Also, sometimes the grades 3 - 5 get a chance to use the computer cart in their classrooms that has 26 Mac laptops (we hope to get a chance to e-mail our friends at Morland!)

A lot of us really love to go to our related arts classes and find out all the different things we are good at. Some days we go to Art, other times gym class (physical education) and other days we have music. Sugar Creek also gives us lots of extra help with math and reading. We have special teachers for each of these classes and they are all licensed professionals.

One thing that I really like is our CHAMPS program. When children are in grades 4 and 5 we learn to be leaders. We get to choose a group that sounds interesting to us and practice being leaders and talking to people in our community. In the last few years our groups have been doing things like helping to support our food pantry, reading to senior citizens, school fundraising and teaching younger children about being a good friend and playground behavior!

Hope you enjoy seeing our work around the website, there is always something interesting to see!